2024 Motorcycles & Misfits Castles & Curves Training Tour
When: July 14 – 20
Our next course in the training tour concept. Learn how to tour Europe and see the sites on your own by motorcycle. A week long trip of the touring trip through Germany and a little bit of France to get off the beaten path and enjoy some crusty castle action. This “Training Tour” teaches you how to do it yourself. No guides, no luggage truck, just an instructor and you with a small team of 3 to 4 riders must make your way across the country and stop at some of Europes best big castles. .The routes are prepared, the hotels and bikes are reserved, and a whole host of potential future travel partners will join you as take on this adventure and realize you can do this to.

How much and what’s included?
6 Nights in 3 Star hotels that are all about clean comfort in the right location with included breakfast as well and you should take advantage of it. Base bikes are F750GS and F900R but there’s a wide range of BMW upgrades. Leod Escapes will provide you with a Chatterbox X2 Slim Radio. Our preferred method of group rider communication. Prices start at $2700.

What’s the general itinerary?
- Day zero arrive in Munich.
- Day one take the back roads to Castle Neuschwanstein and then to the small town of Hundersingen
- Day two back roads to Castle Hohenzollern and then to the France town of Riquewhir
- Day three back roads to Haut Konigsburg and then to Castle Reichsburg and Cochem
- Day four along the Mosel and Rhein rivers to Castle Rheinstein and then to a hotel at Castle Colmberg.
- Day five return to Munich
- Day size depart from Munich
What’s it like?
Yes motorcycles are fun on curvy back roads and your welcome to open it up on this tour but this event is more about leveraging the other strength of motorcycles, it’s the best was to see the world. How do you road trip Europe and see the sights? Well by motorcycle of course. We will show you how. This event is created and run by 10 year tour operator veteran. Cat will step out of his role as a guide to be your teacher and engage you in some hands one real world training. Special guest instructor Maus MacLeod gives you the top tips on seeing sights and she’s a pro castle hunter. Miss Emma from Motorcycles & Misfits podcast will join us and give you some valuable motorcycle traveling tips as well. If you want to see the world on two wheels this is your first step. You’ll learn about planning routes, finding hotels, planning airfare, what to look for in motorcycle rental and how to keep yourself fed, fueled and lodged when you don’t speak the local language. Special attention paid to packing light on this trip, what to look for in different countries for lunch options and how to navigate Europes attractions like… castles.